Saturday, April 4, 2009

Interesting Quote: Rep. Steve King

“This is an unconstitutional ruling and another example of activist judges molding the Constitution to achieve their personal political ends. Iowa law says that marriage is between one man and one woman. If judges believe the Iowa legislature should grant same sex marriage, they should resign from their positions and run for office, not legislate from the bench.

“Now it is the Iowa legislature’s responsibility to pass the Marriage Amendment to the Iowa Constitution, clarifying that marriage is between one man and one woman, to give the power that the Supreme Court has arrogated to itself back to the people of Iowa. Along with a constitutional amendment, the legislature must also enact marriage license residency requirements so that Iowa does not become the gay marriage Mecca due to the Supreme Court’s latest experiment in social engineering.”

King in fear that we will turn all the corn fed boys of Iowa into cock loving men...foolishness.



  1. Funny how Steve King never seemed to have had a problem with the fact judges are appointed and not elected until now.

  2. Wow, he must be a Repug! He even looks like one. And his use of "activist judges" tips the hat. They're only activist when they don't rule for the Repug viewpoint. When they do, they're prudent jurists.

    That said the court did not "legislate" from the bench. They simply found a portion of existing law unconstitutional. That's a big difference.

  3. And I sent the comment (modified for flow) to the puke, adding a few tidbits.

    Fuck him!
