Sunday, April 5, 2009

What I learned from Beau and Sam

So if y'all haven't favorite Kid Hustler, Beau Breedlove, delivered another blow in Sam Adams' career, by appearing at some Portland adult shop to sign copies of his Unzipped cover.

To me, that's low, really low. It's like he could care less about the drama this whole affair has caused, let alone the misery Sammy is facing. Beau is continuing the playing the selfish and stupid role to a T and has no plans of stopping.

But from this, I have realized several things:

  • If you are a grown ass man, leave silly ass young boys alone. I'm kind of tired of this 'he was 18 crap'. How many of us were level headed at 18? Beau was still a kid, a young, dumb and full of cum kid. Remember the line in The Wall, "Leave those kids alone."
  • Sam Adams' career will never bounce back properly. You may not want to believe that, but it won't happen no time soon. As long as Beau has chest hair, he will extend his 15 minutes to about 5 years of media/porn/"look at me I'm sexy" mess. And his 'fame' will be a constant reminder of Adams' f**k-up moment.
  • Gay media will throw us under a bus. Instead of dealing with Beau in a 'Katic Couric' kind of way, they went the 'Maury Povich' route and allowed him to piss all over Adams. I would believe when we have a fellow LGBT person in a powerful role, we would try to support them. If Beau was trying to push his cock agenda forward, the gay media could have said no and demanded him to have a simple interview. But to have him flash his peen on a cover of a gay porn mag, just sends so many messages about us. Especially this one: we don't care about the trouble he's a part of, we just want to see his dick. That's not cute.
  • Beau is selfish. Why would he go back to Portland, at a sex shop and sign copies on his mag? Does he know that Sammy is STILL under fire because of him? And if he's still a friend of Sammy, why would he continue to remind Portland of this mess? He obviously don't care about Sammy's issues or the progress of the Portland's LGBT community. If he was smart, we would stay out of Portland until Sammy is somewhat safe from religious groups and the folks behind the Sammy Resign website. Beau's career move is just not good business for Sammy or Portland.
It bothers to read or think about how this happen. Yes, we all make mistakes, do silly things in our lives. We are not perfect, however we can think twice every once in a while. I remember being so happy about Sam Adams and his story. His journey was a milestone and just like that, he's reduced to the horny old gay going for young meat.

I hope he can bounce back, we need our LGBT politicians. However, we need them to be smart too.


  1. Breedlove is like many people today. He's doing anything and everything to be noticed, to be someone.
    But for his ilk, fifteen minutes goes by rather quickly.

  2. Full agreement - ". . . we need our LGBT politicians. However, we need them to be smart too."

    Certainly plenty of straight pols have survived sex scandals - David Diapers Vitter appears unscathed - but fair or not, we are held to a different standard.

  3. I'm in full agreement with you. Instead of working to bury this story as a stupid mistake any good politician should see coming the gay media is perpetuating this for no obvious reason: do we really have a shortage of twink like characters to put on the cover of a magazine?

    I don't get why he is a "media star"? He was an barely legal 18 year old that slept with an older man, not really a shocking development in the queer community.

    And I would like to think that Adams will just bounce back, but the fact that he is gay and this happen could plague him forever.

  4. The gay media i believe you talk about and for which he posed is a PORN magazine, not out or the advocate which are NEWS magazines.

    Gay the media should scrutnize gay pliticians. It is not our job to cover for them and support them just because they are gay. We should hold our people to the same standards.
    I def agree with your first point about "he was 18" crap.

    the majority of the blame and such for breedlove and his messed up political career goes to Adams

  5. Beau Breedlove is one thing only...a whore.
