Saturday, April 4, 2009

No Cinema School...Now, Step 2

Well, I was not accepted into the masters program for Writing for Television. No surprise, I knew it was a shot in OZ.

I have no experience or credentials in cinema or TV world currently. My experiences are from my undergrad days. In 1994, I took a scriptwriting class, a play writing class in 1995 and a creative writing in 1997. Plus, I focused more on my major (Communications) and took the writing classes for fun.

But don't cry for me Argentinians, I have a plan. Basically, I am an unknown. Most of these students have worked in the field or know someone, and me, I have an old script from 1994. If I want to be taken seriously in the USC Cinema school, I have to start somewhere.

So, I'm starting from scratch. I'm going to enroll in a 'Scriptwriting 101' class this summer. I think it would be good for me to re-learn the skills and get familiar with the system. Also the professors can see and critique my work. The class will be free since I work in USC. So hopefully, (if I get D-Clearance) I'm in, even though it's at the crack bottom, I will have a chance.

I guess that's all I need.


  1. I think this is a great idea, and USC's program is one of the very best! Besides, you'll make contacts and can network. You already live in L.A., so that helps.

    I took a screenwriting class at Watkins Film School in Nashville and have gone to seminars, workshops, and the annual Screenwriting Conference here, too. I am a member of the TN Screenwriting Association but don't go to meetings, so I might as well not be in it. I do get the newsletter and keep up with what they're doing. It helps to be in classes because that keeps you motivated.

    Yea YOU!!! Go for it and keep me posted on what you're learning. Let's email about it!

  2. That sounds like an excellent plan.

    And that is great you didn't let this one setback get you down. Keep moving forward.


  3. Sorry about your disappointment. But congrats on keepign your head up. Definitely keep studying. I HIGHLY recommend as many creative writing classes as you can stand and maybe even throw in a literature class of some sort. Not only do you want to know the nuances of writing a script for film of television, but you wanna be excellent a being a compelling STORYTELLER. There's a big difference between being a writer and being a good writer. We need as many GOOD new writers in film & TV as we can get! Good luck, maybe we can link or collab one day!
