Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gov. Paterson ain't feeling the Religious Leaders

Gov. Paterson is a bit tired of the religious leaders in New York running their mouths.

At the a gay marriage rally in Albany, Gov. Paterson said:

"You see, the fact is that for years these same individuals - many of them, not all of them, but many of them - who pronounced religious doctrine did not exercise it when young gay and lesbian students were being chastised for expressing their point of view. Where were these leaders of faith when college students of gay and lesbian orientation were beaten and often brutalized for expressing their feelings for each other? …

All I’m saying is: Why didn’t they speak about that at the time when it was the other way around? See what really makes a democracy work is when you speak for others rights even when you disagree with them. I’m saying most of the religious leaders that I hear speaking out now did not do it at the time. Had they done so I think they would have better moral standing to speak at this moment on this legislation even though I disagree with them."

And he's right...Where are they when stuff is really going on? When folks need real guidance are they available? And why do we only hear from them when gay marriage pops up? Do they even know what their role is?

I think it's time to deal with their foolishness by taxing the Hell out of them and their churches. They need to be put in their place. This is a way to get it started.

1 comment:

  1. Aha. I greasemonkeyed comments and now it works.

    Anyhow good for Gov. Paterson. I only wish our Governor Carcieri here in RI weren't such an asshole.
