Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Worst Fantasy/Sci-Fi TV Shows

We have seen plenty of mess on the tube for years. Some had a decent run and some should have ran off the cliff. Either way, they were there and we suffered for it.

So here are my list of the The Worst Fantasy/Sci-Fi TV Shows

Out of This World

This was about a kid (Evie) being born from a Alien daddy and Earth Mom. Evie has superpowers and always misused them. It was bad acting and the special effects...gag.

Point Pleasant

A sorry excuse for a devil-born child. The show sucked, they had rehashed "90201" characters and it was boring. Satan's kids should be exciting not silly.


I really don't know why this show last for 8 years. Oh I do, Aaron Spelling. His money would keep a pig eating its own crap on the air. This show disrespected the whole witch appeal. Buffy did it better; hell, Bewitched did it better.


Embarrassment to the genre and the soap opera world.

Dante's Cove and The Lair

Stupid...nuff said


  1. I liked "Out of This World." I thought that Evie was awesome. LOL.

    Plus I really digged Donna Pescow. It has something to do with her being the slut in Saturday Night Fever.

  2. I forgot about Out of This World...yeah that was bad!

    Now V, I agreed with most of these until you had to be dissin' Charmed. Aw Hell nawr!!! LOL.

    Charmed was the SHIGGITY! I admit it got off to a slow start, but Charmed got better as the series developed. Plus it gave us an excuse to see Dorian Gregory, even if they made him such a bumbling idiot by time he was written out of the show.

    Speaking of Dorian, he had a bit part on Without A Trace last night, wasn't even listed in the credits...so sad.

  3. Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you for some time, which did you like better??? Buffy or Angel?

    I'm torn, but I'd have to say Angel because Sarah Michelle sometimes works my nerves. I guess it's the "Kendall Hart" in her I remember oh so well.

  4. Oh my god...

    I loved Out of This World and Small Wonder...lol.

    ::Toddy Runs and hides::

    I loved the way Evie put her fingers together and froze time.
