Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Are y'all Ready for an Armageddon battle for Marriage?

Religious Leaders really have nothing to do, y'all.

Bishop Harry Jackson of Hope Christian Church in Bowie is rallying up foolishness to protest gay marriage recognition in D.C. In fact he, "will launch the Armageddon of the marriage battle in this country."

Great Hera!

This fool thinks 1,000 church members and 100 pastors will be ready and willing to strike down our evil marriage recognition. And the cute part is this mess here...Harry believes this issue is a slap in the face to black people!

"There's a sense that the latte-drinking crowd is doing an end run around the regular people. It's a race and a class struggle on this. If 51 percent of the people in D.C. are African American and you have a unanimous vote by the city council on this, somebody's not listening to the people."

Okay, Harry...Are you that stupid? I guess so. This has nothing to do with race or class. Well, it does because there are gay black folks and poor gay folks. But how is this an insult to Black people? I'm afraid that Harry is living in the 1800s. Black people in D.C. are not caught up about gay people. If he really knew the D.C. I know, he would realized that the Black gay population there is one of our largest gay communities of color.

This is your battle, Harry. Don't make it a Black thing.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand it when people pull the race card. I mean...seriously, it's old, used up, get over it.

    Like you said, there are poor gay, rich gays, black, white, yellow, red, and all still gay!
