Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First Look at True Blood 2nd Season


  1. OOOOH! I so cannot WAIT! I love Sookie. My only hope is that Lafayette really isn't dead though. Hester read the books, so I know things are not quite according to the novels, so there's a chance...

  2. If you read the books, you'll know that this is going to be a GREAT season... but not for Bill. :-) I really don't like him.

  3. I need to sorta catch up on the first season--or should I just start with the second season when it starts over the summer?

    Who else watches LOST?

  4. I didn't read the books but watch the HBO show. I'm such a wimp. I watch it and get scared. Now I'm reading those Twilight books. Wonder if True Blood is adding Werewolves, too? If you know, go on and tell me, OK?

    I watch Lost but am behind. They've stacked up on my DVR.
