Monday, March 2, 2009

Feels like Gay Rights Week to me

This week, major things are happening in the gay world. First, is the introduction of the DADT repeal, headed by Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher of Cali-Cal.

It has been talked about for a while, so I'm sure President Obama is aware of its presence. However, it could get pushed back considering the everything else that's happening in our country. Still, it seems like the easier issue to manage. And I really dreaming, if I really believed that.

And next is Prop 8 hearings. It's going to be an exciting time in Cali-Cal as the 'events' start this week. I'm hearing that a lot folks are planning to march and possibly protest all over. I won't be here for most of the week, since I will be in Seattle for NASPA. However, I will be on the computer looking for info. San Francisco will be a huge march on Wednesday. You can check out the info here .

It feels good to know that the stuff is going down. I hope there's some good news at the end these battles.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see this post and just blogged about it on mine.

    You're a little more optimistic than I am about it passing, which is good. I'm just overtly cautious.

    I'm also super jealous that you are going to NASPA. They had to rein in the budget here, but hopefully next year. Hope you have tons of fun.
