Monday, March 2, 2009

Burn Keith Phoenix!

Keith Phoenix is truly a sad product of his environment. This man murdered Jose O. Sucuzhanay on a Brooklyn street last year because he thought he was gay. Jose was holding his brother's hand and to Keith, it was threatening his manhood.

Now as the arrests been made and case moves forward, Keith comes up with this silly story that he was acting in self-defense. This Saturday, Keith's lawyer said that he thought the guy had was a weapon in his waistband and it was Jose who started the fight.

Keith...You're caught! Stop playing and be a man! You killed this man because you thought he was gay, be real about that, idiot! To come up with this hair-brain scheme is ridiculous and the lawyer who's sponsoring you is stupid to think this will work.

Jose M. Arrufat Gracia, the lawyer for the Sucuzhanay family was appalled with this claim:

“We definitely believe those allegations are insulting to the victims, alleging that the perpetrators were acting in self-defense.”

It is, it really is. Keith, what you did is wrong, own it.


  1. I do hope Phoenix is some guys prison bitch, I really do.

  2. yeah, they're tough ganging up on a guy, but catch them, put them on trial, and they spin a whole new story.

  3. It's much easier looking from the outside in. Why is it okay to pre-judge before you know the facts. If anyone has had any experience with the NYPD they would know how fast they are to look for a face to blame rather then do their job and find the facts, especially when the pressure from the public is on.
    I know Keith personally as a friend and professionally as a co-worker. I can understand how his statement could be misunderstood...because i know how he speaks on the regular, I know things may seem harsh but the truth is people have fights never think that you can take someone life that way...especially if its not intentional...Keith is not a murderer, he's just an idiot with a lack of communication skills...but he would never just kill somebody and smile...he was an asshole that thought he won a fight..
