Wednesday, April 9, 2008


What in the hell is wrong with you, BET! What has happened? Not to long along, when I was watching my Girlfriends marathon (which you need to bring back or produce new episodes) I noticed the annoying ring tone ads. But this was worst because it was telling me to text *** for big boobs, or text*** for big jiggling booties.

I've seen horrible ads on BET, but please, stop this mess!!

Why are you pushing this foolishness to us and our future. Are you that hard up for cash? And what purpose are these companies providing you?

I just never thought it could get worst, but it has. BET it's time to stop the mess. So in my movement to help you, I have some ways to get you can get back on track and cease the malarkey.

So here we go:
You are the black media speakerbox in the world, demand better and stronger music from our artists. If they want to be played on BET, make them create videos without the jiggling, grillz, ridiculous materialism, and pimp imagery. Make them work harder! Challenge their creativity!

Have up-to-date shows! You can keep showing the classics and Girlfriends, but maybe it's time to make your own sitcoms and dramas (bring back Generations!).

Continue documentaries and challenge the black psyche. We need it!

Keep the false prophets off the screen! It's embarrassing to see Pastor (loose term) Kerney Thomas hooping and hollering with is drag queen scarves. He's a fake! Stop supporting him!

Develop children shows. There's Hannah Montana, Dora, and some red horse. We need something for the kids.

Have college fund, family fund, neighborhood fund like marathons and less Hip Hop Award shows. Put that so-called talent to use and raise money for people who are trying to get up and get out of their situations.

Showcase women and the greatness they possess. End the "booty rocking everywhere" motif.

Produce movies like Lifetime. You used to do this, do it again. But no slapstick, Sambo, bugged-eyed mess. (Sorry Ice Cube, but the Friday era is done)

And recognize the diversity in the black culture. No all of us are church going, R-Kelly loving, get my drink and party on people. We're more than that.

Wow, I'm on a list kick right now. I'll stop for now.


  1. Very well said. Every Black blogger should have this post on their blog!

  2. Nice job and great suggestions!!

    Must be something about lists in the air today. I posted one, too!
