Thursday, April 10, 2008

My opinion on Hip Hop and Rapping

This is my quick way to define the difference between Hip Hop and rapping.

Hip Hop is about saving the streets, telling the truth, educating and challenging our people, moving people forward for a change or revolution, and expressing joy and pain in a diverse and artistic manner.

Rapping is about making money by any means necessary. Rapping is accepting the neo-minstrel identity and defining it as the 'hood. Rapping is degrading women and encouraging unequal gender roles. It is uplifting the pimp, ho, and the thug, and demeaning the educated person of color, because they're not 'hood enough. Rapping sends a strong message that we don't want. Rapping is supporting labels that does not support our communities and rapping only support the individual, but helps no one.

So there it is

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