Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I wonder...

When younger female singers begin their careers, their songs are very mature. But when they turn 40, their songs reeks of teen angst (Mariah Carey?) However, older male singers can sing the classic diddies and sell millions (Rod Stewart)

Would more people go to college if it was free?

Would it really hurt to teleport from place to place?

Who really believes in tabloid news?

Do reality stars really, really think they will be famous for something legit?

If we brought back Saturday morning cartoons, would the weekends be exciting again?

Why do ghost haunt people? And according to Japanese horror movies, why do they want to hurt or kill people who had nothing to do with their deaths?

Why are standardize test even valid in the 21 century?

Why are people lost in celebrities' lives when their own lives maybe more interesting and fulfilling? But if it isn't; then change it!

Where are the singer/songwriters?

When people get plastic surgery(botox, big lips, new cheeks, too big breast), do they think it's cute?

Who inspires to be a trophy wife or a boy toy?

How many of us actually love ourselves?

Does Lucifer regret his battle with God?

If Paris Hilton was black or Latina, would she be this famous?

If we brought back Norman Lear style sitcoms and dramas, would TV be back to normal?

And how did a mess of a show known as Charmed stay on TV longer than Buffy and Angel?

Is Grey's Anatomy just ER's rejected scripts and ideas?

And why did NBC think Bionic Woman was going to work?


  1. No. More people would not go to college because it's free. People don't go to college because they're lazy.

    I don't think it would supposed to hurt but, teleporting seems a bit scary.

    My grandmother believes in tabloid news.

    Yes, reality television stars think they'll somehow parlay the career of booze and sex in a hot tub into something serious.

    No, kids today are too jaded to enjoy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

    Well, according to the British, ghosts only haunt hotels. The Irish ghosts haunt pubs and American ghosts kill only good looking teenagers.

    Standardized tests are valid in the 21st century because Republicans think kids are TOO smart.

    People are so interested in celebrities lives because we're either so low in self esteem that we want to see Britney fall or, we're too lazy to do anything for ourselves so we want to see Britney stage a fabulous comeback.

    Singer/songwriters are out there. Just not on any television or radio station we would ever come across.

    Yes. Pretty much everyone, at some point in their lives. A very small percentage. Probably. No. No. Who the fuck knows?!?!?! Probably and...

    Have you seen Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? (Fun for like, 5 minutes)

  2. You are funny.

    As for the Japanese horror flicks, just saw Shutter....just like all the rest. It's all about the imagery, so I guess they couldn't care less if the story makes sense!

  3. Here's a big YES to bringing back a fun line-up of Saturday morning cartoons...but how to bring the children back from the internet or the Ipod? And frankly, now that the weather's changing...what about just playing outside...or isn't that safe anymore?

    I don't know about this one--I've been a long-time ER watcher, and have become a fan of Greys. They're both under the hospital drama umbrella, but I kind of like GA for different reasons...there's a little less gore and heart-pounding story (who needs the palpations at 10 pm on a Thursday) and more romance. ER's about the hospital, Gray's Anatomy's about the staff!
