Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello 2015

2014 was an interesting year.

  • I left my job
  • I moved to NoHo (North Hollywood) and started paying rent for the first time in my life
  • Challenged myself and my heart
  • Finished a Horror script
  • Got a bit better in my writing
  • Found another job in a different venture
  • Turned 40 in style
  • Dated more
  • Made stronger connections in media
  • Believed
  • Moved forward
It wasn't easy, but I am proud of myself for staying strong during many crazy changes. Sometimes, you find yourself in awe of your own strength.

I hope you have done the same and if not, try to do so in 2015. Remember, you are your greatest hero.

Thank you for sticking with me and this blog. See you in 2015!


  1. Good list of changes, I especially like the last two; we could all use more of that!

  2. Congratulations on your success, viktor. May 2015 bring many more!
