Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ugandan President blocks the Anti-Gay Bill


Ugandan President Museveni blocked the Anti-Gay Bill today. His reason for doing this was due to the bill being passed without quorum.

President Museveni advised this bill to be shelved before the end of 2013. He believed that the bill needed to be looked at thoroughly before being considered. Once, he learned of this issue, he was not happy.

He said:
"Some elements, however, insisted and even without quorum of Parliament, passed it. How can you pass law without the quorum of Parliament after it has been pointed out? What sort of Parliament is this? How can Parliament be the one to break the Constitution and the Law repeatedly?”
The President still believes being gay is abnormal and has interesting views about being recruited to be gay. However, he wasn't so keen on this bill being passed and possibly provided a tad bit of hope for the LGBT community there.

I'm sure there's more to come on this fascinating development.


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