Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Girl, Bye! MSNBC fires Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin has been fired from MSNBC.

This happened because his gay slur incident. He was put in a cooling period by the network, I guess they realized they should cut the weeds from their garden.


  1. YAYZ! now he'll probably go off on his wife, or a pedestrian, or a cab driver, or...

  2. He messed up! Instead of a gay slur if he had just said that someone should shit in Sarah Palin's mouth he could have kept his job.

  3. I'd like to say people are overreacting...but he's being such a jerk about it all, and it's not the first time he's used gay slurs, and he keeps pulling similar crap, so buh-bye baby. You could get away with this when you were young and beautiful; now you're just a dick.
