Monday, June 3, 2013

So, why did 'Smash' Fail?

As y'all know the train-wreck series, 'Smash' is dead. The 'Glee for Adults' just couldn't keep an audience and the story... We won't go there.

But one of the writers, Marc Shaiman, did on HuffPo:
Shaiman summed up what went wrong with "Smash": "A lot of smart, talented (and in some cases, smart AND talented!) people were brought together to create a television show," Shaiman wrote. "Probably too many people. Yes, 'too many chefs' is the most succinct way to say what went wrong. But there was not a single soul working on the show who didn't want it to be great. Everyone just had a different idea of what that was."
Shaiman said there was a lot of micro-managing behind the scenes of the series that led to changing of songs. "I suppose the greatest frustration Scott and I felt were how the actual moments in Marilyn Monroe's life that led us to write our songs were almost never explained in the episodes, which was a shame for it would have enriched the storylines of Tom and Julia and made many of our choices clearer and maybe made our songs more meaningful," he wrote.
I tried to watch it, but it was like drinking Kool-Aid with too much sugar in it.


  1. This makes a lot of sense. I tried watching it myself but I tuned out after about seven or eight episodes because it seemed like the writing was disjointed. Maybe there was someone different every other episode? I couldn't put my finger on it and I lost interest.

    It's too bad. It could have been something great.

  2. When you change a TV show from Season 1 to Season 2 so drastically, sometimes without explanation as to why a character is suddenly no longer there, you ruin the show.
    It could'a been good, but Shaiman was right: too many chefs.
