Monday, June 3, 2013

College Republicans to GOP: You're Closed-Minded, Racist, Rigid, Old-Fashioned

Today, a 95-page scathing study on the GOP will be released. But it's not from progressives or another polling group, it's from college Republicans.

And, it's READS the GOP, hunty.
Titled the “Grand Old Party for a Brand New Generation,” the report is sharply critical of the GOP on several fronts. The study slams some Republicans’ almost singular focus on downsizing Big Government and cutting taxes; candidates’ use of offensive, polarizing rhetoric; and the party’s belly-flop efforts at messaging and outreach, even as the report presents a way forward and, at times, strikes an optimistic tone. 
In the report, the young Republican activists acknowledge their party has suffered significant damage in recent years. A sampling of the critique on: 
Gay marriage: “On the ‘open-minded’ issue … [w]e will face serious difficulty so long as the issue of gay marriage remains on the table.” 
Hispanics: “Latino voters … tend to think the GOP couldn’t care less about them.” 
Perception of the party’s economic stance: “We’ve become the party that will pat you on your back when you make it, but won’t offer you a hand to help you get there.” 
Big reason for the image problem: The “outrageous statements made by errant Republican voices.” 
Words that up-for-grabs voters associate with the GOP: “The responses were brutal: closed-minded, racist, rigid, old-fashioned.” 
“[The] Republican Party has won the youth vote before and can absolutely win it again,” the report says, pointing to presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush who were competitive with that demographic. “But this will not occur without significant work to repair the damage done to the Republican brand among this age group over the last decade.”

Without the young vote, the GOP have no legs and if this continues, this party will be toothless and raggedy... Much like the Tea Party.


1 comment:

  1. I don't know about that. These young people will still vote for GOP candidates in November the same way I vote Democrat candidates. With their noses plugged and heads turned away.

    It's called the lesser of two evils.
