Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Donald Trump just Wasted a Million Bucks Exploring 2016 Presidential Bid

When you are delusional, the sky is the limit on your craziness. And for fools like Donald Trump, it's the universe.

This cretin is considering running for president in 2016. In fact, he has spent more than $1 million on electoral research.

NYP reports:
Sources said the tough-talking “Celebrity Apprentice” host is increasingly being asked to speak at Republican events, and he appeared at the Oakland County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner in Novi, Mich., last week to a record crowd of 2,300. 
“Everybody tells me, ‘Please run for president. Please run for president.’ I would be much happier if a great and competent person came along,” Trump reportedly told attendees. “I’d be happy if President Obama did a great job. I’m a Republican, but before anything, I love this country. I would love to see somebody come in who is going to be great.”
Trump Dump, here's the T, nobody wants you as a president. Nobody. I'll say it one more time with feeling.



  1. He won't run, everything he does is for publicity.

  2. He would have been perfect in 2004, considering his experience with bankruptcies.

  3. If he does run President Hillary Clinton will need to send him some flowers and a thank you note for Valentines Day in February 2017.
