Friday, October 26, 2012

Romney's Adviser John Sununu suggests Colin Powell is endorsing Barack Obama because he's Black


  1. It's his prerogative to endorse anyone that he chooses for whatever reason. Did he object when Mitts received support from people simply because he's white? I think not.

  2. Yes, and that's why I support Obama, too.

    Oh, wait, I'm not a black man, does that mean I have to support Romney?

    I'd hoped, and hoped and hoped, we could get beyond this black and white stuff, and support a candidate because we agree with him, and believe in him, and trust him, no matter skin color, gender, orientation, or whatever.

    And I'm sick to death of the GOP playing this not-so-subtle racist bull shit.

    I'm not a great fan of Powell, but last I checked, we are all free to support whomever we want, and most intelligent people make their choice on something other than skin color.

    Like content of character, which douchebag Sununu sorely lacks.
