Friday, October 26, 2012

Arnold Schwarzenegger returns as Conan

This is weird but fascinating... Arnold Schwarzenegger is returning as Conan the Barbarian.

Apparently Universal Pictures is making The Legend Of Conan with the original warrior. The super hottie Jason Momoa will not be in this one (sad) and the sequel with Grace Jones will also be ignored.

This new film will serve as the only sequel. Can they do that? That's kind of f%^ked up. But I think I'll check it out.

What do y'all think?


  1. I think Arnold needs the money to support Maria, the mistress and all his kids with both.

  2. I think you're pulling our legs. Arnold is way too old and has had too much plastic surgery to play Conan.

  3. Will he be playing the role of Conan's grandfather? LOL
    At the store recently I found a DVD copy of 'Pumping Iron'. I'd have liked to been pumping Arnold.
