Thursday, August 16, 2012

So how do we handle the (Possible) FRC Fallout

Now that we know the FRC shooter was a volunteer at a LGBT center, the haters could have a field day throwing this all in our faces.

However, we can be ready for whatever they slam at us. They will say that it's a hate crime, or the gays have always been violent and unruly. But instead of going all hateful or staging Kiss-Ins at the FRC's HQ, we could take a few other routes.
  • Denounce the shooter's actions, make sure folks know that we don't support violence or murder.
  • Don't get into the petty name calling. Let the haters do what they do best... Be haters.
  • Be sure we recognize the tragedy. Someone was shot; we should address that issue and send our condolences.
  • Question NOM and the other hate groups on their own tactics. Make them voice why they took the negative, divisive role on the incident. Make them explain why they have made this a political fight.
  •  Stay on message. Activists easily get mad, but slowly get on point. Whatever they throw at us, we have to stay on point. Focus on the issues at hand: This ain't a LGBT attack, we don't condone violence and we will not stoop to petty tactics.
 Okay, that's all I got! Please share if you have anything.


  1. Look, people are people, gay or straight.
    They kill people, gay or straight.
    They do bad\things, gay or straight.
    He didn't do this because he's gay, or straight; he did it because he's an asshat with access to weapons.

  2. I agree V. We simply need to treat this for what it is. An act of unacceptable hatred, violence, and domestic terrorism, which has no place in a civilized society or civilized world. We are trying to build a world of acceptance, inclusion, and hope, and in doing so we cannot forget that part of that world will not agree with another part of that world over many issues. The important thing to remember is that all life has inherent worth and that worth means we need to respect and treat each other with dignity and integrity. Does that mean that the FRC can continue to spew hate, bigotry, and seek to continue to to dis-empower billions of souls on the planet, without a reaction and and counter measures? Absolutely not. It is our responsibility to stop those activities without resorting to violence, hate, fear, and destruction. Ours is the more difficult path. The dark side is always easier, but it is not stronger than the light. Let them have the darkness, it will consume them, if it has not already; we don't need it.

  3. You, Bob and Kyle pretty much said it all. The act was senseless, tragic and violent and we should condemn it, and not allow FRC or any other anti-gay organization to use this to denounce all LGBT folks.

  4. Someone should ask those asshats what they think about gun control now that something like this has happened to them?

    This was one person committing a felonious act. That's all it is.
