Thursday, August 16, 2012

Interesting Quote: Brian Brown

"Today's attack is the clearest sign we've seen that labeling pro-marriage groups as 'hateful' must end. The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled the Family Research Council a 'hate group' for its pro-marriage views, and less than a day ago the Human Rights Campaign issued a statement calling FRC a 'hate group'—they even specified that FRC hosts events in Washington, DC, where today's attack took place."

"NOM has always condemned all violence and vilification connected to our ongoing national debate about the meaning and definition of marriage. For too long national gay rights groups have intentionally marginalized and ostracized pro-marriage groups and individuals by labeling them as 'hateful' and 'bigoted' -- such harmful and dangerous labels deserve no place in our civil society and NOM renews its call today for gay rights groups and the Southern Poverty Law Center to withdraw such incendiary rhetoric from a debate that involves millions of good Americans. Violence is never the answer, and on that we all must agree, or risk the consequences."

And here is Brian talking more mess about the FRC incident on CNN



  1. If he wants us to stop calling NOM and it's ilk--including the FRC--hate groups, he needs to stop denigrating the LGBT community.

    And come out already, Brian. Self-loathing gay doesn't suit you.

  2. Given that the religious anti-gay perspective comes from Bible verses such as Leviticus that explicitly state men who lie with men shall be put to death, I think this is a wee bit hypocritical.

    Particularly when you consider how many queers are murdered each year, which are certainly the end result of the rhetoric put forth by groups such as NOM and FRC.

  3. While I think NOM and FRC actions are fueled by hate or bigotry, using just those terms takes away from our argument that their agenda is promoting DISCRIMINATION and DENYING US OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, thereby, placing us as SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS.

    What this shooter did is totally unacceptable. I am now concerned because, violence can go both ways, and it would be a shame if more people start getting hurt or are killed.
