Sunday, August 12, 2012

Quick Rundown of Paul Ryan's Policies and Voting Record

I have found a quick hit of Demon Eyes' policies and voting record via The Examiner
In 2003, Ryan voted to create the new Medicare Part D program which has increased federal expenditures by hundreds of billions of dollars over the last nine years.

Ryan voted for the 2002 resolution which authorized military force in Iraq, and for the many bills which authorized hundreds of billions to be spent on the Iraq War in the many years after.

In 2008 Ryan voted for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, better known the “Wall Street Bailout.” Ryan also voted for the 2008 bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, votes that are sure to be brought up by the Obama administration.

In 2008 Ryan introduced his most controversial bill, the “Roadmap for America’s Future.” The bill would dramatically reduce income tax rates, including the tax rates for the richest Americans. The bill would also eliminate the capital gains tax and the corporate income taxes, two taxes which tend to affect the wealthiest Americans the most. In order to pay for those tax cuts, the Ryan plan would privatize Social Security and Medicare and make large cuts to programs like Medicaid.

Under the Ryan plan, the current guaranteed payment Medicare system would be replaced with a private voucher system in which each in beneficiaries would be given a voucher to purchase their own health insurance plan. In addition, the Ryan plan would force Congress to dramatically reduce spending, but the plan does not specify what cuts would have to be made. Finally, the Ryan plan would also eliminate many tax exclusions and deductions, such as the current exclusion of employer provided health care insurance.
Ryan's plan truly benefited the rich, making the poor and middle class pay more. Also his plan would not stop the economy from falling out from under. And that's not all; he voted against women getting equal pay, voted against birth control and the hate crimes law.

Also, I showed you his anti-gay beliefs earlier, but there's more to come on that.

1 comment:

  1. In other words, he's a typical Republican, and he's the problem.
