Saturday, August 11, 2012

Log Cabin Republicans are in Love with Paul Ryan

“Congressman Paul Ryan is a strong choice for vice president, and his addition to the GOP ticket will help Republican candidates up and down the ballot,” said R. Clarke Cooper, Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director. “As chairman of the House Budget Committee and author of the Republican “path to prosperity” that provided the blueprint for serious spending cuts in this Congress, nobody is more qualified to articulate a conservative economic vision to restore the American economy and stimulate job creation.

At the same time, Congressman Ryan’s 2007 vote in favor of the Employment Nondiscrimination Act and his consistent willingness to engage with Log Cabin on a range of issues speaks to his record as a fair-minded policymaker. Overall, while Log Cabin Republicans have not completed the endorsement process for the 2012 presidential election, this is a choice that all Republicans can be excited about, and which sends a good message about the kind of campaign Governor Romney wants to run, and the kind of president Governor Romney wants to be.”


  1. Of course they are! He's the perfect kind of trick. He'll let those self-haters suck his dick and then he'll pop them a good one in the face before calling them a faggot and leaving til the next time he needs to get off.

  2. The only way I want Paul Ryan for anything is bound and gagged and left on my doorstep to use and abuse to my heart's content or until he finally cums like the little bitch I think he is. Then I'd advertise his hypocrisy to the world.

    As for the Log Cabin Republicans, aside from being traitors to gay men and women everywhere, they're usually the most selfish c**ts you can imagine. Because it's all about their bank book. They're like the Jews who helped the Nazis in the 30s, thinking it would protect them. It didn't.

  3. ^^^I'm mad you guys find this weirdo attractive...*side eye*

    Anyways, those twats at the Log Cabin camp are bona fide self-hating whores that are desperate for acceptance at any causes.
