Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm Done with Vegas

So my partner and I went to Vegas this past weekend, and I have to say I'm sooooo done Vegas. It's too much of nothing and not enough of substance.

But to give you a better idea of things, I'll use my bullet point style to lay it down.
  • Don't stay at the Flamingo. In fact, stay at an expensive place. It's less problems and less crazy people.
  • Folks are drunk before 3pm and they are ANNOYING!
  • The bars play the worst music ever.
  • Speaking of music they play way too much Katy Perry.
  • The fashion in Vegas is Horrid and very East Florida like.
  • Why do people bring kids to Vegas. Vegas is NOT a kids' place.
  • Outback is severely overpriced on the Strip.
  • Luckily they are 3 Louis Vuitton stores on the Strip. That was my highlight of the vacay.
  • I still have cigarette smoke smell in my hair.
  • The ATM machines in the casinos basically steal your money. They charge you $5 - $9 to take money out!
  • The casinos are conspiracies.
  • Vegas is not a gay place.
  • Kim Kardashian is considered a God there.
  • There are way too many hustlers there... And none of them are cute.
  • The men STILL wear Ed Hardy clothes.
I can only do Vegas once every two years, it's too tacky for me. But the funny thing is my partner loves Vegas.


  1. I haven't been to Vegas since 2001 and I don't miss it.

  2. Never been but from what I've read and heard it's not for gay people.

  3. You make very keen observations on Vegas!

    The key was what you said about East Florida. That is the demographic that they are aiming for in all their advertising.

    East Florida shares something in common with middle America. A lot of their transplants came from the latter.

    There used to be an old saying about Florida:

    Florida, for the newly wed and the newly dead.

  4. they play way too much Katy Perry.

    Sorry, this is true for the entire country. She needs a 3 to infinity year rest.

    I haven't been to a gay bar in Vegas since 1992...and I refuse go to back to a place where *I* am the most attractive one there. (trust me, I'm not bragging}

    And there are only 3 LV stores there? I would have assumed 12. Does no one come to Vegas WITH luggage?
