Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bishop Harry Jackson talks foolishness about Gay Marriage on Hardball

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  1. He seems to be the token anti-gay marriage voice over there.

  2. So Jackson supports civil union? That's interesting to hear.

    He is parroting all the talking points set forth by groups like the National Organization for Marriage and the Family Research Council.

    While this interview did make Jackson uncomfortable, I would have preferred to see Matthews press the question of the alleged consequences embraced by the bigots.

    Of course I can tell you what those consequences happen to be, that the younger generation will understand that being gay is a normal part of human society and that there is no need to discriminate based on who we love.

    The only reason pastors like Jackson, Perkins and the other ilk get into the anti-gay-marriage camp is because there is still cash running around to do so.

    Subtract the cash, and suddenly they're just a pastor of a small congregation.

  3. He is a fornicator and a liar!
