Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This is the 30th Anniversary of 'Masters of the Universe'

Do you remember you got you hands on He-Man? I do, and I... Well, we want get into that, but it's a shocker He-Man is 30!

The Masters of Universe toys was the sh*t! I think many of us played with He-Man, Skeletor, Evil-Lyn and Man-At-Arms at some point of our lives. It was a very creative concept that mixed sorcery and science in a fun and beautiful.

Then Filmation gave us one of the best cartoons ever! For a few years, we watched Prince Adam transform into the hunky hero, known as He-Man. We also wished that we could be the Sorceress, or maybe that's just me.

Anywho, He-Man played a huge role in our generation's lives and I just want to say, happy 30th anniversary, Masters of the Universe!