Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Question of the Day: Drag Race Edition

Sharon Needles

So, did you watch the Beautiful Mess known as RuPaul's Drag Race? What did you think? Please discuss.


  1. I loved the show - but Sharon Needles scares the hell out of me.


  2. I liked her, and thought she deserve to win last night. But, I don't know how long she will last.

  3. Although I loved Sharon Needles, I preferred "safe" Milan's runway. Someone needs to make sure Kenya has a penis because damn! She looks like a she! I was sorry to see Alisa go home because Boy Alisa is really cute. Phi Phi is annoying. Larice Royale...she scares me. William needs to keep her mouth shut (and get a better drag name). IMHO

  4. Sharon creeped me out sumpin fierce, but she was the best in show last night.

  5. The son of Chucky???

  6. I feel like we always have a Raven or Sharon and the judges love her for being "a different kind of drag queen" but then they get told to sashay away when they can't do anything but creepy.

    Too many of thequeens have fucked up teeth

    I felt so much 2nd hand embarrassment when the old queens were brought back as zombies but didn't have any lines and were never seen again.

    That one queen hitting on Sharon by saying "I totally go for the Meth look" just made me imagine both of their fucked up childhoods that lead them into this moment in their lives

  7. It's never the winner of the night that excites me, except when it's the final show and we're down to the last three contestants. It's when the two at the bottom for the night have to "Sing for your life" that I always look forward to seeing. It's the most satisfying thing on the show. And I love a lot about RuPaul's show, including the regular judges, guest judges and all.
