Monday, January 23, 2012

Ken Hutcherson said the WA Gov. is trying to 'put a bullet in the head' of Marriage

As Washington gets ready for the gay marriage debate, many fools are standing in line to start the Haterade. The Grand Marshal of this mess is this 'Genie' looking jerk, Ken Hutcherson.
Opponents came out swinging this week, too. The Stand for Marriage Coalition on Friday announced longtime gay marriage opponent Ken Hutcherson as its spokesman. He had harsh words for Gov. Christine Gregoire, who is leading the charge this year for the legislation.

“She might as well change her name to John Wilkes Booth,” said Hutcherson, “because what she’s doing now is trying to put a bullet in the head of one of the greatest traditions that has ever existed and has built our society -- and that is marriage between one man and one woman.”
Listen to him spit out this crap

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