Monday, January 23, 2012

Black and Gay Mayor Nominated for New Jersey State Supreme Court

Gov. Chris Christie has nominated Bruce A. Harris to serve on the State Supreme Court. But why is this news? Well, Bruce is openly gay, Black and possibly, the third Black person to serve on the State Supreme Court. Plus to add sprinkles to this deal, Bruce will be the first openly LGBT person on board.

I have to say this is a huge deal, in the midst of the gay marriage debate coming in New Jersey. I guess Chris is trying to secure his governorship for the next term. Anywho, I wish Bruce luck on this historic nomination and I hope his Repub background don't cloud his judgment. (Thanks, David for the update)



  1. This is good news, Republican or not. Always good when there are more visible gay players in the political mix. Thanks for posting this.

  2. The only thing that tears it is the Republican and gay bit. I cannot for the life of me understand gay republicans.
