Sunday, January 15, 2012

In South Carolina: A Black Church Grills Newt the Hut

Newt took his 'Mojo' looking ass to one of major Black churches in South Carolina. While none of them will ever vote for Newt, they were nice enough to hear him out... And to call him out as well.
While the give and take between Gingrich and more than 50 people in the audience was largely respectful, some in the crowd had sharp questions for the former House Speaker. Many centered on Gingrich's remark last month that poor children as young as nine should work at least part time cleaning their schools in order to learn about work.

Gingrich said his comments were misconstrued.

"What I was saying was, in the poorest neighborhoods, if we can find a way to help young people earn some money, we might actually be able to keep the dropout rate down and give people an incentive to come to school," he said.

The explanation little satisfied some in the crowd, including a woman who said Gingrich's words came across "so negatively, like we're not doing everything for our young people."
Gingrich was also asked if he stood by his assertion that Obama is a "food stamp president", a line the Georgia Republican uses often during stump speeches. He responded with a simple, "Yes."
They were nice, trying to be good church folks. But I was there, he would've head more than an earful of issues and concerns. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't agree with Newt on just about anything but he is never boring. I'm loving the Newt Show. I'll miss him when he sinks into irrelevancy after the election.
