Sunday, November 13, 2011

WATCH: Highlights from Last Night's GOP Debate

Rick Perry loss for words

Mittens thinks Iran will have a WoMD if Obama wins

Ron Paul goes against the grain

2 Idiots agree to revive Waterboarding


  1. The Republican party is a mess! Seriously, Perry is a moron, Paul has no chance in hell, and both Bachmann and Cain are never going to see even the closest brush with the office.

    And even Romney, I hate to tell him, we don't have the military might we once had and invading Iran would NOT be a cakewalk.

  2. Can we use waterboarding on Herman and Michelle respectively on the debacles in their lives then? His sexual impropriety and Bachman's fat ass, closeted husband???? STFU both of you!

  3. I wonder if he performs in bed this way?

  4. You would think the past ten years never happened with these idiots. All this sabre rattling against Iran is like watching Bush-Cheney all over again. Have we learned nothing?
