Sunday, November 13, 2011

A-List Dallas' Taylor attacked Again, Still Blames Democrats

I guess he is really hated... A-List Taylor was attacked, this time he claims he was hit.
A cast member of the gay reality TV show “A-List Dallas” tells The Daily Caller that he was punched to the ground and bloodied Friday night by someone vandalizing his car because he’s a gay conservative associated with commentator Ann Coulter.

Taylor Garrett, a Republican consultant in Texas who stars in the reality series on the channel LOGO TV, said in an interview that he was attacked outside a birthday party in Dallas after finding a vandal scratching “F–k Coulter” on the side of his car.

Garrett said the incident reflects a troubling mindset.

“The Democrats want me to live on their plantation as their slave, because I’m a gay person,” he said. “And I refuse to do that.”

Photos provided by Garrett to TheDC show the phrase about Coulter keyed in large letters across his car. Other photos show Garrett with a bloody ear and blood covering his white shirt.
 Taylor claims he may not return for another season:
He also said he’s disgusted by those in the gay community and media who doubt him and accuse him of trying to gin up publicity for himself by going public with these stories.

Garrett said he decided to join the show because he wanted to show that there are gay “conservative, Republican, Christians” out there. But he said he has been “destroyed by the gay community” for his views and he’s doubtful he’ll return for another season after this.

“I would’ve thought people would have been a little more tolerant considering that our community advocates for tolerance, but it has been nothing but mean spirited attacks, especially after the Ann Coulter scene,” he said.
But why does he think Dems did this or care to 'attack' him? Maybe he should thought about being on one of the most hated shows on TV.



  1. The Little Gay Who Cried Wolf.

    Seriously, for someone who gets threatened and beaten as much as he alleges, you'd think he'd hire a bodyguard.

  2. I agree with Bob. The little Gay who Cried Wolf. He's ignorant for blaming the Democrats. I see an attention seeking whore.

  3. Besides RuPaul, Noah's Arc, and AbFab I hate everything Logo has to offer on their channel. Just garbage...Considering I've only watched one episode of the A-List trash, I have no clue who anybody is besides Phillip (who works my effing nerves, but I digress).

    You know, a part of me feels sorry for Taylor because does have a point. SORT OF. We should be respectful of what of his views are, no matter how different, twisted, convoluted, and backward his ideology is from our own. Sarcasm intended, respectfully!

    That said, I bet it's folks in the GRAND OLE PARRRRRTAY sullying up his rep and attacking him. I'm just saying Democrats tend to be more liberal and open-minded....

  4. He's doing this to himself.

  5. Remember when Morton Downey Jr. went into the restroom with a Magic Marker and painted a swastika on himself to gin up publicity? This reeks of that.
