Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Question of the Day: Gay Sex Edition

Are events like Folsom Street Fair, Dore Alley and other similar events still relevant? Do they serve a purpose?

I'm mixed on the matter. But what do you think?


  1. They are a part of our culture, though, unfortunately, they are also the part that most homophobic groups focus on and label as perverted.

  2. They're meant to celebrate a certain segment of the gay population and their admirers. In an increasingly conformist, vanilla gay world, yes, they do serve a purpose and yes, they will become even more relevant as time goes by.

  3. Maybe I'm more aware of these things in our community, but what are the heterosexual equivalents of events like this, which I KNOW exist. Vik do you know?

  4. They are some hetero events, but they are not as publicized. I can think of Spring Break stuff or Freak-Nik

  5. For me, Folsom is more related to the sexual liberation crowd than the gay crowd, if it makes sense. The gay crowd is just a manifestation of that. I mean there are a lot of heterosexual at Folsom too. Since the whole country is too right of center, I think having an event like Folsom is actually quite awesome.

  6. Yeah I think folks like to focus on things like this as if that's all we do as a community. But in truth, hetero's have as many things of this nature, their number of events I'm sure eclipses ours. More power to those free enough to participate. But I do think there will always be a need or desire for it as long as there are folks that this has an emotional resonance with.
