Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Web Series - 'Osiris'

A new creative web series is here and it's kind a cool. It's called 'Osiris':
“Osiris” is a new 10-episode indie scifi/thriller web series featuring gritty crime fiction, espionage and the supernatural. Much of its inspiration comes from classic network shows such as Lost, True Blood and 24.

The series follows the title character Osiris, a man with an eternally extended warranty on life. He can never die. If he’s shot, he comes back. If he’s stabbed, comes back. Even if he’s blown up, he comes back…in exactly 37 minutes, every time, in excruciating pain. This has been happening for over 300 years.

He’s become a cocky, tough-as-nails, suave womanizer that treats people like dirt because everyone he’s known eventually dies. All except for one person, his great great granddaughter, Paula. She’s one of the few people that know of his unique gift of immortality. She’s also one of the only people that can keep him in check.

Please go here and check out the website

1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting all these shows featuring an immortal character. Misfits also has a character who has that 'gift'.

    Being the geek I am, I keep reading about human life and health and it really looks like at a minimum we can extend lifespan to 150 years. But even the authors posit that if you can reach that, you're pretty much immortal.

    I wouldn't mind being immortal myself.
