Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dolly Parton Apologizes to a Lesbian Couple for Discrimination at Dollywood

Last month, a lesbian couple received not so cute treatment at Dollywood, home of the biggest drag queen alive, Dolly Parton.

Well, Dolly wasn't having that and apologized to the couple:
Representatives for Dollywood issued statement in response to the news, assuring the gay and lesbian community that everyone was welcome at Dollywood properties.  Now, Dolly Parton has released a statement to ABC News apologizing for the incident.  

The statement reads:
"I am truly sorry for the hurt or embarrassment regarding the gay and lesbian t-shirt incident at Dollywood's Splash Country recently. Everyone knows of my personal support of the gay and lesbian community. Dollywood is a family park and all families are welcome." Dolly adds that the policies on clothing or signs with profanity or controversial messages are in place to protect the person wearing the shirt and keep disturbances at the park to a minimum. Dolly concludes saying, "I am looking further into the incident and hope and believe it was more policy than insensitivity. I am very sorry it happened at all."
See, Dolly is always a trooper.



  1. I knew Dolly would stand up!

  2. Even I don't want to be reminded of stuff all the time. I feel those two gay women are trouble makers. I don't get along with diesel dikes. Dolly doesn't deserve this kind of attention. Dolly is one of my favs.

  3. I love Dolly. I'm noa fan of country music, but I'm a fan of hers.
