Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Could I be a TV Writer? The Screenwriting Classes part 2

Last night, we pitched our movies to a couple agents for feedback. I was nervous, but I did it and... I was told that my movie could be a TV series. The agents thought it would be great as a series because of the concept, characters and the story.

Some of the others in class wasn't so lucky. They either didn't understand their stories or they got lost in their pitches. It was sad to hear, because I know they worked so hard on their projects. But that's how the business is; it's tough and truly real.

However, I got to thinking about my script becoming a series. I could expand more on the mythos of Shadow Boy and fully develop the relationship between the 2 main guys.

I have to say I was stoked to think about this. A gay diverse cast, supernatural elements and romance... Yeah, I think I can do it and do it well.


  1. That is great news! I hope you can do this. There's a lot of garbage on TV right now and there's room for a new, quality program.

    I'll pray you can get this done and NOT get scheduled for Friday nights, the graveyard of network TV.

  2. Congrats on the great news. I am a writer as well and went to film school. How can I get my screenplays looked at by agents? My taste goes more into sci fi and horror

  3. You write every day so t should be a snap. Good luck

  4. That is amazing! You definitely need to go for it.


  5. I sure hope something comes of this. Best of luck to you.

  6. You can do it, fam! Speak it into existence. I also hope something comes of this.

  7. Great support for your idea. Build on it!

  8. Congratulations on the good feedback! Hope this happens!!
