Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Equality California wants Gay Marriage Back on the Ballot

Equality California wants to know if gay marriage should be back on the ballot. Here's their press release:
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that they will not permit same-sex couples to marry while we wait for the California Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals to hear and consider the case. This announcement has sparked conversations about whether or not our state should wait for the courts to restore the freedom to marry for same-sex couples, or if we should overturn Prop. 8 at the ballot box.

Equality California is seeking input from the community and about the wisdom of moving forward with a ballot initiative. This survey is a first step in a process that will include research, conversations with coalition partners, town halls and further chances for input. 
Interesting, I will have more info of this once we meet with other Cali-Ca groups

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