Monday, April 4, 2011

BIG SPOILER in the Doctor Who season opener!

Big Doctor Who News! One of these 4 characters will DIE! No Joke!

Steven Moffat tweeted this:
We’re not lying, we’re not cheating: one of those four people is going to die! When I came up with this heart-wrenching twist, I thought ‘We’ll kill off one of the leads in the season opener.’ It lures you in.
Who will it be?



  1. I hope it's the Doctor and he regenerates into a doctor I like. But it will be Rory. From what I've heard, River has to big of a story line to be killed off so soon.

  2. Gee. How hard is it to figure out? It has to be Rory. We know how River dies, plus she still has to do the big reveal this season. Amy has been in all the promos, and I doubt the Doctor would regenerate so soon. I'[m just glad the big mystery over River will be explained at last.

  3. Didn't Rory already die once??? Is he the Kenny of Doctor Who. No, I guess Doctor Who would be the Kenny of Doctor Who, huh?
