Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Man was Shot for Eating his Popcorn too Loud

Lord, I was shocked to hear this... And shocked that it wasn't in Arizona. A man was shot in a theater for eating his popcorn too loud.
A man has been shot dead at a cinema in Latvia after a fellow movie-goer objected to the volume at which he was eating his popcorn. The assailant, 27, reportedly had a brief argument with the man, aged 43, who was sitting next to him during a screening of Black Swan in the Forum cinema, one of the largest in the city of Riga.

When the credits rolled, the younger man pulled out a legally registered firearm and shot the other man dead. Other audience members then phoned for the police and an ambulance. The younger man – a graduate of the police academy who holds a doctorate in law from the University of Latvia – waited to be arrested.
That's some crazy ass stuff. See, that's why I only go to the high end theater, The Arclight. They don't stand for that kind of mess.



  1. What has the world come to? Sad.

  2. You said that he was a police academy graduate, I wonder if he was an active duty cop. Could you imagine what he may have done out in the field?
