Sunday, January 16, 2011

WATCH the Alleged Death Threat from the Tucson Shooting Victim to Tea Party Leader

In this clip below, MEDIAite highlights the statement that got the shooting victim,Eric Fuller arrested for 'threatening' Trent Humphries
On Saturday, we reported that 63 year-old Tucson mass shooting victim Eric Fuller had been arrested for allegedly making a threatening comment to Tucson Tea Party co-chair Trent Humphries at the taping of a Town Hall event for ABC News’ This Week with Christiane Amanpour. Remarkably, the program aired Sunday morning, and the alleged threat “You’re dead” can clearly be heard as Mr. Humphries speaks.

The incident occurred as Humphries criticized the applause at Wednesday’s memorial, and just before he suggested “introspection” before engaging in a “national debate” begins. Humphries also began by suggesting that health care privacy laws like HIPAA might be as culpable as gun laws in the tragedy. Here’s the transcript of the exchange, from ABC News. We have bolded the section just prior to the “You’re dead” phrase:

1 comment:

  1. They can dish it out ,but not take it. I for think these tea people are terrorist and out to cause racial issues. I want them to go away.
