Sunday, January 16, 2011

35 Folks attended an Anti-Gay Marriage Rally in Iowa

The hate for gay marriage is so big in Iowa, that 35 people showed up to rally about it.
About 35 people gathered at the Mid-America Center to hear speeches from State Rep. Kim Pearson, R-Pleasant Hill, and Danny Carroll, lobbyist for the group Family Leader.
“I’m a Christian, social, fiscal conservative,” Pearson said. “The social and fiscal conservative values work.”

Speakers at the event called on Iowa Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal, D-Council Bluffs, to allow floor debate on a resolution to ban same-sex marriage in the state. A resolution is required for the constitutional amendment process to move forward.

Gronstal has stated repeatedly he will block such a debate, saying that the Iowa Constitution should not be amended to deny rights to people.

It’s expected that such a resolution would pass the GOP-controlled House.
“We have to listen to the people,” Pearson said.
While she supports a constitutional amendment to overturn the Iowa Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay marriage, she said, she would prefer that a ban come through the legislative process because that would be faster.

“The definition of marriage is between one man and one woman,” she said. “God is our ultimate lawgiver.”

God is the... Girl, please.



  1. these folks need to get a life.

  2. Christians like her lack tolerance and are an insult to the name of Jesus - they simply preach hate!

  3. So basically .0012% of the population came out for this rally. I wonder what is the percentage of closeted homophobes that just sent a check in for their cause.

  4. Wow...35 people, eh? In the famous words of Nelson Muntz:


  5. Pure silliness. If the founding fathers wanted a god or goddess to be our "ultimate lawgiver," they would have made our government a theocracy.
