Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Suicidal Veteran wanted to kill Obama

Michael Stephen Bowden was arrested for threatening to kill the president.

Here's the story:

Secret Service agents arrested a 77-year-old South Carolina man after he told a VA nurse that he wanted to shoot the president, according to an affidavit.

U.S. Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan confirmed Wednesday that Michael Stephen Bowden of Woodruff, SC, was arrested Nov. 18 for the threats against Barack Obama.

According to the affidavit, a nurse at the Veterans Administration clinic in Spartanburg, SC, told authorities that Bowden "had made threatening statements" directed at Obama during a routine check-up. During the exam, the nurse reported she asked him if he had had any suicidal thoughts, and he responded, "Yes, I would like to shoot the President, then myself."
Now some folks wanted to write this off as a old man just talking, but when they went to his home; things were a bit scary:
During a search of his home, agents found three semi-automatic handguns and a semi-automatic rifle near Bowden's bed, all of which were fully loaded and ready to fire. In another bedroom, agents found nine rifles, two shotguns and a handgun, as well as a loaded shotgun near the front door.
Wow... He will go under psychological evaluation and he can't leave South Carolina. I feel bad for his family, especially since it's the holidays.



  1. Just goes to show you how Glenn Beck has brainwashed the Tea Party types into hating our President so much they want to kill him, like this ole guy did.

    Like Beck recommends, they are stockpiling weapons and have them locked and loaded under their beds waiting for "the revolution" and anxious to "take their country back."

    It was bound to happen. Just give Beck a little more time and he will make this Hate Atmosphere even worse.

  2. C'mon dude is 77 years old.

    This story is more than tragic, it's sad as hell!!!

    We all know that it's illegal to threaten the POTUS. Dudes probably just off his meds. If they really wanted to punish him they should have cut out his tapioca pudding on Tuesdays and cut out his monthly allotment of Viagra.

    This story is just as much about stupid as it is about hate.

    Of all places, Spartanburg South Carolina. My 21 year old son is a Junior at USC Spartanburg.

  3. I wouldn't blame this on Glenn Beck. There's always going to be crazies out there who want to harm the president. That said, I worry more about Obama than past presidents because of the high level of (racial) hatred in this country.
