Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Favorite Macy's Thanksgiving Floats from My Childhood

I used to be mesmerized by the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade as a kid. It was the best part of T-day for me, besides eating.

So come with me as I share some of my favorite Macy's floats from years ago:

He-Man and She-Ra

Marvel Comics - look at the White Queen

The Cabbage Patch Kids

Fraggle Rock


  1. I was never a fan of the parade, or any parade for that matter, but you couldn't tear me away from March of the Wooden Soldiers! I still love it and was watching it this morning.

  2. When I was a kid I used to love the parade. I made it a point to watch the Thanksgiving Day and Christmas parades. I used to love them, but I haven't watched one in years and years.

  3. Incredible Hulk and Wonder Woman???? Who wrote that copy?? LOL!
