Monday, November 22, 2010

The Southern Poverty Law Center lists their top Anti-Gay Groups

The Southern Poverty Law, which is a civil rights organization created to fight foolishness and bigotry, has posted their top Anti-Gay groups.
1. Abiding Truth Ministries [Scott Lively]
2. American Family Association
3. Americans for Truth About Homosexuality [Peter LaBarbera]
4. American Vision
5. Chalcedon Foundation
6. Dove World Outreach Center [Terry Jones]
7. Faithful Word Baptist Church [Steven Anderson]
8. Family Research Council [Tony Perkins]
9. Family Research Institute [Paul Cameron]
10. Heterosexuals Organized for a Moral Environment
11. Illinois Family Institute
12. MassResistance
13. Traditional Values Coalition 

NOM is also mentioned on this list as well.

For more, please go on their site.

Thanks to NG for the heads up


  1. When are they going to add the NRP and Teabaggers?

  2. Your welcome, I think.

    As I noted elsewhere, I suppose the Focus On The Family omission has to do with Potok not being gay and not really understanding there's no such thing as kindler gentler homophobia.
