Monday, November 22, 2010

Sorry But No Joss, No Buffy! END of Frakking Story

How much can a geek bitcho take today? First, it was Comic Con registration fail, then the Wonder Woman porno and the news... THE NEWS of this blasphemous Buffy reboot without Joss Whedon!

I need some lemon water and a fan, honey!

Okay, so WB has a writer and her name is Whit Anderson and she will, unfortunately feel the wrath of millions of geek for this. Please see this piece from L.A. Times
Anderson, with a chuckle, said she is ”fighting through” the script right now, but her concept has already engerized some key supporters. Charles Roven, one of the producers of “Batman Begins,” said his Atlas Entertainment signed on after he saw something special in Anderson’s tone and story.

“Generally,  I wouldn’t have said ‘Let’s revive this,’ but Whit’s take is pretty compelling and a lot of fun, and it’s interesting to see all of this re-imagined. This is a completely new reboot. Tone is extremely important and you want the audience to realize what is at stake and the peril is real, but at the same time what’s going on should be fun and inviting and keep everyone engaged. It needs to be relevant to today, too, and that is what Whit has found a way to do.”

Roven added: “There is an active fan base eagerly awaiting this character’s return…. While this is not your high-school Buffy, she’ll be just as witty, tough and sexy as we all remember her to be.” The project has plenty of hurdles ahead, and there is no announced director, but Roven said hopes to see the film reach theaters in 2012 or perhaps even 2011.
Did you see that?  “There is an active fan base eagerly awaiting this character’s return…. While this is not your high-school Buffy, she’ll be just as witty, tough and sexy as we all remember her to be.” Yes, there is an active and SERIOUS fan base that want the TV SHOW CAST, not some Twilight/CW cast to crap all over this movie! I can believe this is going forward! Who is making these ridiculous decisions? Why is Buffy even being talked about like this? This can not happen! It would be like the Cathy Lee Crosby version of Wonder Woman... A JOKE!



  1. Dear Whit Anderson:

    This is so wrong on so many levels.
    First: no Joss? Then why bother. Second: no SMGP? Why bother?
    Third: This was JW's original idea...come up with your own original idea bitch!
    Fourth: BTVS is holy and sacred and should not be touched. If you do then you die.

    True Buffy Fans

  2. Are you serious????!!!!!
    Where can we WRITE about this?! Hell no!
    Buffy's story has been told and the show has not even been off the air a DECADE! Fuck that!
    Sorry but that made me mad...
    ::centers himself and harnesses the chi::

  3. My mind immediately raced to the same thing as you Vic, some Twilight/CW type casting that's all model thin and stereotype pretty with no true personality, substance or soul.

    I don't understand what the need is to re-launch Buffy. Take the concept and do something different with it and call it something else. There are plenty of shows that base themselves around supernatural themes. Why can't this be one of them? Here's an original thought, use Buffy as an inspiration and create something completely new and different with it.

    Matter of fact, why not do Fray? You'll still have a Buffy foundation but the world, characters and story will be completely different.

    Are you guys familiar with Fray?
