Monday, September 13, 2010

Question of the Day: True Blood Edition

The season is over. Things were said, things were done. Tara's hair and witches!

So, you know the deal... What did you think?


  1. OK, I loved Tara's new style... as for the majority of the episode? I thought it was slow and rather all over the place. The writers tried to do too much. t wasn't until the middle where things got good...the revelation about Bill meaning.

    Overall, I was disappointed.

  2. Thought it was good. For several of the storylines, I thought it could've acted as a series finale.
    In the end, it's still got the same problem as last season: A case of the "Too Many Characters" syndrome. It's the same ailment that killed off Heroes. It's time to pare down the scope and give some major folks a taste of the True Death.
