Monday, September 13, 2010

Florida Governor Charlie Crist is ready for his Gay Rights Close Up

Remember this?

This was weeks ago. Now get ready for the REMIX.

According to, Crist is about to endorse a lot of gay rights stuff:

The document provided to includes Crist's vocal support for gay couples, including hospital visitation, inheritance and adoption rights; opposition to the ban on gays serving in the military; support for anti-discrimination laws and appropriations for HIV and AIDS programs.

"It's great to hear a sitting governor take such a strong stand on equality issues," Nadine Smith, Director of Equality Florida, told by telephone Sunday night. "This is the first time in Florida's history that a sitting governor has taken these public positions on a wide range of LGBT equality issues. It marks a shift in the debate in our state."

"For us, having the governor of Florida articulate so clearly stands that are in support of equality on a wide range of issues is a new day," Smith added.

And here's the document

Interesting, I wonder what he's really up to?

1 comment:

  1. He's trying to get the Gays off his ass. If he wins the election, this will go right down the toilet with the rest of the shit that comes out of him.
