Sunday, September 12, 2010

NOM's support of Delano Hunter is BROKE

NOM is trying they're best to unseat the elected officials who supported the Same Sex Marriage law in D.C.

They have been pushing their special candidates in the Democratic Primaries, but their efforts have been a bust.

However, they are making some moves with Ward 5 council hopeful, Delano Hunter. Now, he is (visually) the ideal for Ward 5: Black, young, cute and all that jazz to mesmerize the folks in D.C.

And as you can see, they are really trying play the 'Race Game' with these broke ass ads...
But here's the thing, he's not ready for prime time.

If NOM was smart, they would have schooled Delano a whole lot better in the debating game. Please check out this debate with the Ward 5 candidates, and watch how BROKE Delano really is:

Honey, Delano ain't ready and NOM, y'all are fools to get involved in this. Stay out, before you are put out.

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