Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Will She or Won't She

Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle has a big decision in her hands.

She could sign or veto the civil unions bill tomorrow. The question is what will she do?

KHON 2 reports:

Her options are to sign it, veto, or allow it to become law without her signature.

"I really thought about this more than I thought about any other piece of legislation and any other issue that's faced society,” said Gov. Lingle. “I don't know the exact number but I think it's running 60-40 against but as I'm going to talk about tomorrow -- that isn't what helped me to make a decision on this it was really the depth of feeling on both sides -- so I look forward to sharing that with everybody tomorrow."

The civil unions bill gives same-sex couples the same rights and responsibilities of marriage.
We will see what Miss Girl will do.

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